High School Crush(es) - Part One

My stories would not be complete without a story about High School Crush.

It all started back in high school. He was the football quarterback and alas, I was never a cheerleader. I was what was once called a "Tom Boy" but now that term is not politically correct anymore. I guess now you would say I was "athletic". I played a different sport every season. Soccer, Track & Field, Softball. I was a Bo Jackson wannabe, or so I thought. Truth be told I REALLY wanted to be a cheerleader - but thought my talents best used in sports.

I met my high school crush well before our freshman year actually started, since we were to report to daily doubles - two practices in one day to get ready for the soccer (in his case football) season about a month prior to the first day of school. We became fast friends and I tried to hide my undying love for him but I'm sure he saw right through me. There were quite a few girls vying for his attention, so I always stood back and pretended that I didn't care or wasn't interested.

We never actually dated, just danced around the idea. I think I was too scared - I had built him up so much in my mind, I didn't want a real relationship to ruin the fantasy. There was one close call, I remember there was a school dance in our senior year and we danced to Prince's Purple Rain...that was very dreamy since the song is nice and slow and about 8 minutes long!

We graduated shortly after that night and went our separate ways.

The first time I saw him after graduation was at our 10 year reunion. He still made my heart pound, but he was married with two children (boys) and one on the way (turns out was a third boy!). At the reunion, I felt amazing. I had an amazing job, was in great shape, and was one of the few that probably looked better after 10 years than I did in high school.

One of the unwritten rules of student government is you become in charge of your reunions long after you've served your term. In high school I was student body vice-president. This means I had the pleasure of coordinating our reunion. I used this to my advantage. For our Friday night social I chose a bar that was owned by a college friend. This was my safety net. I knew everyone who worked at this bar, the owner and most of the patrons since I lived in the neighborhood and also went to school with them. I felt that I could easily attend my reunion alone knowing I could always chat with the bartender if things got too boring.

After imbibing in a few libations...I feel like Leonardo DiCaprio at the helm of the Titanic. I decide it would be a good idea to dance on the bar (I've done it several times before) and then after my "show" I sit on the edge of the bar and attend to my fans.

Now, here is a twist. I have a different guy friend, who was my best friend in high school - and admittedly had a crush on me for four years. His story is mine in reverse. We were always friends, at one point I had a crush on him too, but nothing ever came of it. We'll call him BFF.

As I am sitting on the bar, my BFF comes up and starts making out with me while I sit on the bar!

At first I'm taken aback and a little surprised, but also enjoying this little public make out session. I am also very aware that high school crush may witness this public display of affection and decide to cut the session short. You know, not to ruin any chances I have with a married guy...what?

By the end of the evening, everyone is nice and happily buzzed. We decide the best idea is to walk back to my car and for me to give everyone a ride home. Including high school crushes best friend who happens to be a State Patrolman. Not the most brilliant idea we've had, but it all turns out OK in the end.

I plan the drop-offs so that I end up with high school crush alone in the car.

A funny side-note, before my parents bought the house I grew up in...high school crush and his family lived in it! What a crazy small world.

Back to our story.

High school crush lived near the house I grew up on and near this lookout/make out spot that is atop a butte that overlooks the city in all directions. We decide we don't want the evening to end, to my delight and decide to go to this butte before I drop him off at home.

We get to the top of the Butte and wander our way up to the viewpoint in the dark. It is very pretty up here and the view of the city at night is sparkly.

We're chatting and I stand up on the ledge, because I'm tiny and I also want to see over the wall. Which, by happenstance (ha ha) makes me almost as tall as high school crush. He takes the bait and leans in to give me a hug and then starts to kiss me. Mmmm. This is nice, then I remember he's married! Gah.

Against my will, I pull away and mumble something about not wanting to get involved with a married guy and I take him home.

I didn't talk to him or see him after that...but I did have a few good day dreams.

The moral to this story? Old dogs don't have any new tricks.


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