The Funeral Director and the Butt Doctor, Part 2 - The Back Street Boys

The evening of the networking party, because we were expecting the party to be lame, we thought it would be an early evening.

I slunk home at 5:00 am.

Let me take you back about 8 hours.

Back at the networking party, the whole night we heard rumor that there was appetizers and we searched and searched from one end of the bar to the other to find said tasty morsels. During our journey we make quite a scene where ever we go, because of our listed professions. This doesn't help in our quest for nourishment.

One of the groups of people we met and chatted with, was a large group of 20 something guys. There were no less than 8 of them. You will come to know them as the Back Street Boys.

My friend took a liking to one of the Back Street Boys, a young buck with blue eyes. Being the good friend I am, I was game to be her wing-gal. We work our way through the crowd to find her blue-eyed knight.

As she's chatting him up, me being the good winger chat up his friend. Who on the surface seems like a nice guy, but after chatting with him some, he turns out to be very self-righteous.

At about 10pm we are at this point willing to chew our arms off to eat them we are so hungry. As we are figuring out our next move to find food, our annoying cosmetic sales guy/stalker says that he's going around the corner to a steak house and we should come with him.

By the way, this cosmetic guy was at the party with a "friend", a woman who has her own electrolysis business. The whole evening we can't figure out the relationship between these two, but come to the conclusion that she is hanging out with him because she's interested and he's hanging out with her because she's better than hanging out by yourself. Of course we ask him what the deal is between the two of them and he indicates profusely that she is "just a friend".

Whatever, he seems to have a mad crush on my friend and we are starving so we follow him to the steak house. This ends up working out for us as he pays for our feeding frenzy.

While at the steak house, I run into a guy that I had met when I first moved to town. I did have a little bit of a crush on him, but he wasn't interested in me so we never hung out but I did run into him every time I was out until he moved away.

We chatted for a few minutes and then we went back to our respective tables.

Cosmetics guy was trying so hard to impress my friend, I'm pretty sure he pulled a muscle. Anyway, after we ate (and fortunately he paid), he tried to talk us into going to yet another bar for some more partying.

He figured out that I was wearing the pants in the relationship and if he wanted to hang out with my friend, then he had to convince me that he was a good guy and that we should move on to the third location with him.

I jokingly said that if he were to convince my old friend to go to the next bar that we would go.

HUGE mistake.

He then preceded to make an even bigger ass of himself and totally humiliate me. He actually told my old friend that he (cosmetic guy) needed my friend to distract me so he could get my friend alone. It was so bad that my old friend (we'll call him big looser, you'll get that story later) came over to me and said to me "that guy is working it really hard for you right now".

Great. Just what I need.

I'm not sure how cosmetic guy actually did it, but we actually ended up at the third bar.

We walk in and try to loose cosmetic guy as fast as we can. We practically sprint to the back of the bar while he went to the bar to get drinks.

We end up running into the Back Street Boys. Weird. They had a table and bottle service, so we joined them.

While we were at this third bar, my friend was at the bar ordering our fourth or fifth bottle of champagne for the evening when big looser (my old friend) comes up and starts picking up on her. She starts to chat with him and in the five or so minutes they are standing there she pretty much gets his whole story.

He's just moved back from Mexico and now he's broke living with his parents in the suburbs (or someplace just as shameful), oh and he's got no job. Hence the name BIG looooossser.

We partied with the Back Street Boys for a while and then all of a sudden they were leaving. We were told that they had a limo and they were off to another bar. We didn't really have anytime to think about it we were just swiftly ushered outside and shoved into a limo with like 20 other people.

We ended up at a small, empty bar outside of downtown. Not quite sure why this was the place to be and very confused on why we left a super packed fun filled bar downtown for this one.

We are now with 6 or 7 of the Back Street Boys, one or two girls and maybe there were three people in the bar when we got there.

To our relief the bar had last call shortly after we got there.

The next thing I know, my friend and her BSB (Back Street Boy) and I are standing on the street corner. Oh, and I have a BSB standing with me too. I'm not sure what happened or how they decided which one of them would go with which one of us - but I wasn't in the mood for questions.

We call a cab and the four of us (2 BSBs and my friend and I) go back to my friend's house. This is fine with me because that's where my car is and I can make an easy escape.

On our way to my friend's house, in the cab, we end up having to stop by my BSBs house to pick up his Dalmatian (dog) and the four of us plus dog head to my friends house. This all seems reasonable at the time, but now seems very very wrong.

The four of us end up making out on my friends couch - together like we are teenagers while our parents are out to dinner. There wasn't any swapping, just two couples making out on a couch.

Seriously, who out of high school does that? and why was I doing it?

So we made out for a while, my friend and her BSB go to another room for privacy...and I make out a while longer.

When I think I've had enough, I offer to give my BSB a ride home. As I look at the clock in my car it reads 5:15a.

I usually wake up at 6a to go to work.


The moral to this story? Eight is definitely enough.


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