Everyone's answer to a single person is "you should try internet dating!", "my friend/brother/uncle/sister found her husband/wife that way!". Blah, blah blah. This is starting to sound like one of those urban legends.

So, moving to a new city, I decide to give it a try.

I fill out my profile so it's very clear that I am new to the city and that I'm looking to meet new people, make some new friends and if a relationship should come along, that would be great -- I am like a squirrel, any fast movements and I run like the wind.

I decide if I'm going to try this online dating thing, then I'm going to say yes to anyone who asks me out and give everyone at least two dates.  I believe that first dates are often awkward and people need a second chance.  Now, there are exceptions to these rules...if there are more than 15 years age difference or I really am not attracted to a person then I will politely decline.

I start to get messages from TMI guy.  I don't know that he's TMI guy yet, you'll figure out soon why he has that title.

He soon asks me out and I accept.  I'm not super excited to meet this person as I'm only marginally attracted to him from what I can tell of his online pictures.  So the first two times we try to get together, I reschedule.  Mostly because I work 30 miles away from where I live and sometimes sitting in traffic for over an hour can exhaust me and once I get home I want to stay there.  That's truly what happened here, of course if I were excited to meet him I may have made an exception.

Finally, the evening has come to meet.  I choose a local bar in my neighborhood, because I know the bar tender and if things don't go well, he will keep me good company.

I get there a few minutes early and find two seats at the bar.  My bartender is working and I'm relaxing with this friendly chit chat.

20 minutes go by and I'm wondering if I've been stood up, but not really worried about it as I am having a nice time at the bar.  My phone rings and it's TMI guy.  He's a bit angry sounding and asking me where I am.  I tell him I've been at the bar for over 20 minutes waiting.  He says "Oh, I thought you were standing me up, I didn't see you inside."

No worries, I'm here.

He comes into the bar and finds me.  The first thing he says to me is "Wow, you look just like your pictures.", I think Hmm, I can't decide if I want you to look like your pictures or better.  "Thank you, what would you like to drink?"

He orders a beer and then starts to tell me about how he went on an internet date a few months back and when he saw the girl enter the bar he put his hat on and hid then ran out.  The girl saw him walking out of the bar and called him.  She evidently was heavier than he had expected, and didn't have any transportation.  Then she guilt-ed him into giving her a ride home because it was a very cold winter night and she had taken the bus to meet him.

Now, if this had happened to me and I had left someone after seeing what they really looked like -- I would feel like a complete jerk and never tell that story out loud to anyone, none the less a potential suitor.

I don't really know how to respond to his story, other than to say "Wow" and make a "that sucks" face.  Just before I pound some beer and give the bartender friend a wide-eyed-OMG look.

He must be nervous because he starts asking me all kinds of not appropriate for the first five minutes of meeting sorts of things.  The best one is "So, what are your deal breakers?"

Um, people who ask me what my deal breakers are?  I'm not even sure I know what he means.

It's a bit awkward for a few minutes because I don't answer this question, then he launches into this story:

"So, if you ever come over to my house, I want you to know ahead of time that there is a woman living with me, but we're just friends and nothing is happening between us."

"Oh?" I say, confused as to why I may find myself at his house seeing as I've already decided there will not be a second date.

"Yeah, her and her husband are good friends of mine and they planned a trip to travel around the world.  They stayed with me for a few weeks before their trip after they had sold all of their stuff.  Their first stop was Hawaii and when they got there the husband killed himself."

Yikes! I am actually speechless at this point and can't believe he's telling me a story that contains a suicide!

Evidently there was some sort of drama between the woman and her mom/family (he told me the long story, but at this point I was only hearing blah blah blah blahs) so evidently the woman's only option was to move back in with TMI guy while she got her life back together.

"Wow", is all I can manage to say.

He also tells me that him and this woman "stole" a pit bull puppy from some car accident, pit bulls are illegal in most counties where I live, and evidently there was a car accident or something where the police may have turned the dog in to authorities, so he hid the puppy in his shirt and left the scene.  So if I come over, I'll also meet his pit bull.  Nice.

There was maybe 20 minutes more of small talk and then I hand the bartender my credit card.  The bartender gives me a deal and I tip, like I'm happy to be alive after a plane crash.

TMI guy asks me if I want to go out again, and I said yes but the next week is bad for me because I am going out of town and have a super busy week.  The truth is, I didn't really want to go out again, but thought that maybe I'd change my mind and feel bad and want to give him a second chance.

He seemed OK with not hearing from me for a week and we said our good-byes.

A few days later, literally a few days -- not after the week I said I'd call...I get an angry text "This is BS (he spelled it out) if you didn't want to F&%cken see me then you should have said so".

What?  Yikes.

Well, thank you for making this easy for me.  No, I would not like to see you again.

The moral to this story?  Yes, there is such a thing as too much information.


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