The Giant (part one)

Even though I am very tiny, I have a thing for really tall guys.  I know, it's unfair and silly, but the less I feel like I'm with my brother the better.

One of my friends knows this about me, brings along a new tall guy friend -- we'll call him the giant, to my 4th of July barbecue.  The Giant is 6'8", I actually think he's a bit taller but won't admit it to anyone (like me, haha).

A few months go by and I get a text from the Giant asking me if I want to meet up with him and some friends downtown?  I had been competitive drinking all day at a flip cup tournament so my friends and I were not in any shape to be traveling about the city, we were going to stay right where we were.  He understood and invited me to the park the next day to play some volleyball.

I show up the next day at the park for volleyball and meet his friends.  My friends were on their couches recovering from the competitive drinking.

We had a fun day of volleyball and decide to meet up at Jazz in the Park after we shower and change.  Even though I was flirting with the Giant, his body language and interactions lead me to believe he wasn't interested.  That was OK, he was fun to hangout with so I wasn't torn up about it -- I had made a fun new friend who actually had some pretty cute friends that could be interested!

That next Thursday a friend was having a birthday party at a local bar and I invited the Giant and a few of his friends to join us.

The evening was fun, there was a lot of laughing, singing and chatting.  When it was time to go home, the Giant offered me a ride in his new convertible.  I jumped in the back over the side of the car, because he refused to get out of the car so I could get in...very gentlemanly of him, I know.

I threw my things in the back of the car and hopped in.  I got safely to my car and drove home.

When I got home, I realized that when I threw my things in the back seat -- my phone wasn't in my purse and now was still in the back seat of the Giant's car.

I'm not surgically attached to my phone, but it is a nice convenience -- especially at a concert just in case you get separated from your friends.  Which is exactly where I was going on Friday night.  I logged into my computer and sent an email to the Giant letting him know I thought I left my phone in his back seat.  He had actually been at his computer responding to an email from his real estate agent when my message came through.  He went out to his car and did indeed find my phone.

He sent me an email asking if I wanted to pick up my phone that night, so I would have it for the weekend.  I was actually hoping that I could pick the phone up in the morning, but tonight would be fine.  He emailed me directions to his house and told me to pull up into the alleyway and he'd meet me out there.  Perfect, he only lived like 3 miles away, he'll be waiting outside and I can get the phone and run back home.

Once I got to the alleyway, I rolled my window down expecting him to hand me my phone.  He however, pointed to where I should park.

Uh, where's my phone?

"It's inside, park here and we'll go get it"

Ugh.  OK, and now I'm a bit nervous, because now I'm realizing my unlocked phone was in the hands of two guys.  Oh yes, I forgot to mention one of his cute friends was staying the night on the couch that night.  I also had a little crush on his cute friend (we'll call him tiny, you'll hear about him in a future post) but both of these guys were not showing much interest in me, so I was thinking that we were just all new friends.

My worries were confirmed when I walked into the kitchen -- both of them had gone through my phone and read through my text messages and my pictures.  Unfortunately, there were some incriminating pictures and a text chain between me and my friend about these two people who were holding my phone hostage.  I'm mortified and can't wait to get out of there.

Tiny handed me my phone and the Giant asked me if I wanted a tour of his place.  It's about 12:30am on a school night so I try to decline but he goes and starts the tour anyway.

He shows me the living room, which has a baby grand piano -- I'm actually impressed.  He is an amazing musician and I'm actually dying to hear him play the piano.  But the tour goes on.  In the basement are more musical instruments, then we head upstairs...where the tour ends in his bedroom.

Good planning on his part, but awkward...remember the other cute friend is downstairs on the couch!

I'm not going to tell you how I got out of this situation, but let's just say I did leave with my phone.

The moral to this story?  The buck and the tour stops here.


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