Raven-Locks and the Three Kinky Friends...and Don't Forget the Two Crashers

This spring one of my good friends came to town to visit. We thought it would be fun to go up to Vail for the last weekend of ski season and catch Ben Harper at the Spring Back to Vail concert.

We are having a blast in Vail and after the concert we head to a bar to see what kind of trouble we can get into. My friend had one goal...she wanted to make out with a cute boy. So we headed out to complete that mission.

Of course being the last weekend of the ski season, Vail was packed and there were very long lines to get into almost all of the good establishments. We decided on a bar and waited a few minutes in line (of course talking our way up to the front of the line helps) and as our luck would have it, ended up with prime seats at the far corner of the bar.

We order drinks and my friend and I are scoping out the scene and strategizing on how we are going to find just the right candidate for her to make out with. For some reason, I'm actually not in the mood to play her reindeer games, but I'm willing to be a good wing-man.

As we are sitting there, I start rocking back in my bar stool and tipping it back - not far enough to tip over...but evidently enough to worry a group of guys standing behind us. One of the concerned guys started talking to me and told me I should be careful because I might tip myself right over.

I thought this was a clever way to strike up a conversation so I said "Why should I worry? I've got you there to catch me if I fall". He thought that was a good idea and decided that I could tip my chair as far as I wanted because he would be there for me. How nice.

As I was chatting with him, his friends told me it was his birthday and then the three of them surrounded me. Literally. I remember looking at my friend thinking, "How did this happen?". How did I all of a sudden get three guys interested in little 'ole me? Little do they know that I'm not the one with the mission.

I introduced them to my friend hoping that one will bite and they all chatted with her for a few minutes. I found out later that they were only asking her questions about me. Nice. But too bad for her and her mission.

One of the friends said "I think you need to give the birthday boy a kiss!", and I said "I think you need to buy me a few drinks first".

They obliged and bought me a few drinks and the four of us continued to chat.

All of a sudden one of the friends (not the birthday boy) leaned over and started kissing me. I'm thinking to myself, "Hmmm, this is weird, but he's a good kisser so I'm going to go with it". Then, before I can even recover the other friend (still NOT the birthday boy) leans over and kisses me too. I recall him saying something like "It's my turn now!"

Unfortunately, this second friend wasn't as good of a kisser as friend #1. Friend #2 managed to lick my whole face and kiss me at the same time. I'm not sure how that is possible, but I know I came out of it full of slobber. Gross. It was like making out with my cousin's misbehaved boxer.

Now, the birthday boy is watching all this go down and I don't know what he's thinking, but he then leans in and kisses me. I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I would make out with someone one (or both) of my friends just made out with...I decide that it's not weird for me because they are all strangers to me!

My friend is now trying to find her own victim and is standing behind me chatting with some other guys and she sees all three of them lean in for a kiss. After she watches the third guy, there is a bit of concern but she knows that if I was in real trouble I could probably kick some ass and she could clean up after me.

The funny thing is after the whole kissing thing, our conversation goes back to whatever we were talking about and there was no talking about what had just happened. Like they all didn't just kiss the same girl.

I'm dying at this point to give them a report card of their kissing. I hold my tongue (pun intended) and don't tell them how they all rank. I am however going to tell you!

Friend #1 - Very cute and really good kisser
Friend #2 - Cute and really bad kisser
Birthday Boy - Not so cute and so-so kisser

I did really feel like Goldie locks and the three bears...one was just right and the other two were just wrong.

I do believe at some point there was another round of kisses by all three of the friends, the timing on when round two happened is a little blurry for me but I do know it happened. After our third or fourth round of drinks, friend #1 and friend #2 start trying to talk me into having a threesome with them.

Um No, but thanks for the offer.

Friends #1 and #2 are really working it, I think they tried for over 45 minutes to get me to go back to their condo with them. It was actually so bad another girl at the bar was worried about me and told me not to go anywhere with these guys.

No worries I told her, there was NO way I was going anywhere with them. However, watching them beg was actually kind of fun.

Birthday Boy wasn't joining in on this conversation, but I'm guessing he was just going to watch.

Once I got bored with their begging, I motion to my friend that I think it's time to leave. Once we get outside she tells me that she didn't complete her mission and that there was a guy that she did want to kiss but she hadn't yet. So I tell her I'll wait outside while she goes back in to complete her mission.

She comes back reporting that going back for the kiss was a total waste of time. The guy she chose was a smoker (Ga-ROSS) and to top it off he was a bad kisser.

We go back to our hotel room and get ready to tuck ourselves in.

Don't be fooled. Our evening isn't over yet. This is where the two crashers enter the picture.

Earlier in the evening at the concert, another friend had told us that she had some friends in Vail going to the concert and we should hook up with them. We exchanged texts with these friends of a friend until my phone died. Unfortunately my phone died early in the evening, during the concert and we never connected with the friends of friend.

Once we got back to our hotel, I plug my phone in and about 20 text messages start beeping in. OMG. Who is trying to get a hold of me?

Well, the friends of friends (we know them as the two crashers) were trying to meet up with us all night, but I didn't get any of the messages. So now that I have some juice for my phone I text back saying "Sorry we missed you, have a great day skiing tomorrow!"

Crasher #1 immediately texts back and wants us to come back out and meet up with them. It's 1:30am and all the bars are starting to have last call and we are nice and snugly in our pjs ready to crawl into bed. We politely decline and tell them maybe we'll meet up with them for breakfast or lunch the next day. That seemed to satisfy them for about 3 minutes.

I then get a phone call and they are begging for us to meet them. I tell them we have a few bottles of champagne and they are more than welcome to come over to our room and share them with us.

Then, we change our mind because we are still in our pjs and really don't want to continue to drink. Besides, I've already kissed three strangers this evening I don't need to add any more to the list!

They seem to be satisfied that we are going to bed, when I get yet another text.

"Can we crash in your room?"

What? Don't you have a place to stay? Doesn't one of you live up here? I'm so confused.

It turns out they were too drunk to drive back to Eagle and needed a place to crash. OK, well I'm not one to make people drive drunk, so we agree to let them stay in our room with us. Before they even get there I tell them that they have to sleep in the same bed together and there will be no sex for either of them. Really. Can you imagine? In the same room with two other people? Awkward.

After we agree to the terms we give them directions to our hotel and room number. About 30 seconds later there is a knock at the door. Typically, at this time of night I would never open the door, but I thought that it was our two crashers. I was wrong.

It was some random guy that had heard me and my friend laughing and wanted to know if we had anything to drink and if we were having a party. Huh?

Um, no. See ya later crazy.

Finally, our two crashers arrive and for the next hour or so it was like we were at camp or a sleep over, we were laughing and talking like gradeschoolers. Totally fun.

After about 20 or 30 minutes there is another knock on the door. It was the same guy from earlier, except this time we made one of the crashers answer the door. He wasn't so interested in us after that.

Our two crashers were total gentleman, don't get me wrong they did try very hard to talk us into switching beds so they wouldn't have to sleep with eachother, but in the end they were snoring and drooling.

The moral to this story? When opportunity knocks, look through the peep hole first.


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