Craig's List Old Guy

One day, I looked around my house and thought, "How long have I had this furniture?" and noticed that some items were circa 1990. Yikes! So I went out for some retail therapy and a few new items to refresh my home decor.

As some of you know, I drive a very cool ghetto fabulous car. The only problem with the car is that it's not great at hauling new furniture around. So I enlisted my faithful neighbor to help me pick up my new dining room table.

Off we went to Pier 1. As we were waiting in line to pick up my table, I was teasing my neighbor with all of the ridiculous items at the store that I was going to buy them for Christmas. Sparkly tinsel cone trees in a variety of colors, big balls made of sticks. You can see how funny that might be.

Well, there was a guy in line in front of us who was trying really hard to pretend like he wasn't listening in on our conversation. He was also trying really hard to pretend like he wasn't laughing at everything I said. He was pretty cute but I was with my neighbor and I'm sure that I looked like I was "with" him.

So he went on his way and we went on ours. My table by the way is very cool.

Back to my story, I know you are thinking what does this have to do with Craig's List and this guy can't be the old guy. Well, you are right the old guy comes in a bit later to the story.

If you have read the story about the Red Rocks Stranger you'll know that I've had success with my first Craig's List posting. So, I thought that I might give it a shot again. I thought it was hilarious that the guy in line in front of us wanted so badly to laugh at all my jokes - of course that endeared him to me instantly.

So I put up a posting under missed connections. It went a little something like this:

"To the Guy at Pier 1 in front if me in line:

You were in line in front of me at Pier 1 pretending not to laugh at my jokes. If you happen to read this maybe we can pretend to get coffee sometime and you can pretend not to talk to me."

I don't believe that was the exact post, but you get the idea.

The next day, I'm minding my own business and really this time I'm certain I'm not going to get an e-mail from Pier 1 guy.

Late in the afternoon I check my e-mail. Stop. No Way. There is an e-mail from Craig's List, someone responded to my post!

I open the e-mail a little excited and surprised, there is no way I could have hit pay dirt twice on Craig's List.

Well, I was right.

The e-mail was from some other guy, it went a little like this:

"First off, I'm not Pier 1 guy, but your post has style. If I were in line in front of you there is no way I would have let you go without talking with you."

Weird. Is that normal? Do random people respond to Craig's List posts that aren't meant for them?

I don't know what to do, do I ignore the e-mail or do I respond? I wait a few hours and mull it over, and decide responding can't hurt.

So I say something witty back, I don't really remember what I said, but I can assure you it was funny.

We ended up trading e-mails over a few days and discover that we both have a love for interesting and eclectic music. We trade some off the beaten path artists and then he suggests that we create mixed cd's for each other and meet for lunch.

Hmm. Well, at the very least I could end up with a fun friend to go to concerts with, so I agree. Now the deal agreed to was that we would burn one cd with music we think the other would like but hasn't heard of yet.

So we set a date to meet for lunch. At this point I'm a little stressed out. Not only do I have to meet a stranger (that I met over the internet) but now I have to burn a cd with music that makes me look hip and cool.

I end up burning a CD with some of my favorite artists (Damien Rice, Ray LaMontange, Carbon Leaf, Feist, etc.) and then pretty up the cd with a cool cover and case. Hope that that the packaging will distract from the music if I'm not hip and cool.

The day of the lunch approaches and I'm getting more and more nervous. But, what do I have to loose? It's lunch and there will be people around, so I am pretty confident that nothing will happen. Just to ensure this, I call a friend and tell her that if she doesn't hear from me in two hours to raise some alarms something is wrong.

I get to the restaurant and the guy that shows up is an older guy (older than me by maybe 15-20 years) and he's only about an inch taller than me. For those of you that actually know me...that isn't very tall. He's also not my type.

Alright, I think to myself, we are only meeting as friends and there is no worry of an awkward after lunch kiss. Thank goodness!

He's carrying a paper shopping bag and I don't know what's in it, but I ignore it.

After we've ordered it's time for us to exchange our cds. He grabs his shopping bag from under the table.


He then pulls out 17 cds. Yes I said SEVENTEEN.

I have 1. ONE.

Um. I have nothing to say, I feel awful. Like when you give someone soap for Christmas and they give you a beautiful cashmere sweater.

Too late now, he's seen my one measly cd!

He starts to tell me about each of the artists and piles the cds in front of me. He oooohs and aaaaahs over the fancy package and then over the 18 songs I burned for him.

I felt bad for him, he was more nervous than me. He was shaking a bit (could have been Parkinson's) and then accidentally used his tie as a napkin instead of his actual napkin. That could have been Alzheimer's and not nerves, silly me.

We left the restaurant, me with my shopping bag of cds and he with his one. That was the last I heard from him.

The moral to this story? Abundance can come from a kidnapped post, but that's about it.


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