"Red Rocks Strangers"...part two

Once we get into the Big Head Todd and the Monsters concert the weather started to turn and a big thunderstorm was coming so my friend and I decided to use our back stage passes to stay dry.

We ended up back in the green room drinking (more) beer with none other than Big Head himself and some of the monsters.

Once the show started we decided to go find our seats. Well, I use the term "find" loosely. If you've ever been to a red rocks concert with me, you know that I never sit in my assigned/ticketed seat.

Really, who would kick out a cute little Jlo booty from standing in front of them? And, I'm not blocking anyones view, so it's a win-win for everyone! I'm not going to reveal my secret on how I am able to sneak into a row that isn't really mine, someday you might find me standing in front of you!

Anyway, back to our story. My friend and I end up in about the 10th row in front of some random people. We had been there for quite a while when we had to leave for the restrooms. When we come back to our kidnapped seats, there are a few new people to the area and one guy immediately starts talking to me.

He introduces himself and then says "Thank you for finding me". I find that weird and interesting all at the same time. We are then dancing and singing (as one might do at a concert). As we are dancing this stranger starts dancing REALLY close to me, in fact he's definitely touching me.

I'm trying to ignore him, not wanting to give him any attention - but it's getting increasingly difficult since now we are dancing as one. How did that happen?

All of a sudden, he's moved to my side and is looking right at me...and then he kisses me! Now mind you, I'm stunned and actually enjoying myself a little before it dawns on me that he's a stranger! I'm not even really sure what he looks like exactly. A combination of darkness, beer and he is wearing a hat.

We make out for a while and at some point I start to get a little worried. He is a stranger after all, and it would be very easy to find myself in trouble. I decide that It's time to go and tell this stranger that we're going to the restroom and that we'll be right back.

Of course that wasn't really the truth...we just changed rows and enjoyed the concert. I didn't run into my stranger again.

The next day, I was scolding myself for being so square that I would run off without even giving that stranger my number - honestly what could happen with a couple thousand people around?

I had at that time recently discovered that there is more to Craig's List than just used couches and houses for rent.

There's a whole section for "missed connections". You can see where this is going. So I decide that I'm going to put up a post, if I found that stranger in a crowd once then I'm sure I can find him in a crowd again.

So I post...now, you I know what you are thinking. Dear Fiona, there is no way you can think that you will get any response from your post. How can you be so silly?

Well, that Monday (just a day later) I get an e-mail from my Craig's List post. He's just as shocked as I am that we've found eachother again.


We trade e-mails back and forth trying to verify that he is really the stranger that malled me and I'm really the JLo booty that tried to kidnap his seats. It is really him.

It ends up, he was at the concert with his uncle and his uncle lives here in Denver and is a Craig's List junkie. He saw my posting and told his nephew that he thought there was a posting for him.

My stranger lives in Chicago and we still chat every now and then.

The moral to this story? Talking (or making out) with strangers really isn't all that bad.


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